Documentation for ciscoconf
1. Introduction
2. Using ciscoconf
1. Introduction
Ciscoconf is a simple shell script which backups the running and the startup configuration of Cisco Routers.
The script uses expect to establish a telnet or ssh connection to a specific Router.
Then it will fetch the current configuration and compare it with the last known config.
The results are saved and send to a list of emails proveded in the maillist file (empty for no mails).
If the configuration has changed, ciscoconf will save the new config in a special folderstructure.
Requires expect and sendmail to be installed on the machine.
2. Using ciscoconf
For automation a list of divices can be provided in the divices file.
Format: mode;host;name;passwort;user|(secret-passwort;[user])
./ciscoconf [COMMAND] | mode host name password user|(secret-password [user])
-a, --all |
backup all devices provided in the devices file |
mode |
telnet, t or ssh, s |
host |
ip address or name of host |
name |
name for the folder |
password |
password |
secret-password |
secret-password for telnet |
user |
username |
ciscoconf t myhost1 save saver me
telnet based bakup of in myhost1/
ciscoconf s myhost2 save me
ssh based bakup of in myhost2/
Developed by Fabian Stammen